Tsavo East National Park Kenya, Africa, Kenya

Want to declare a minor?

The first step is to talk to your academic advisor to explore your options.

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What is Africana Studies?

The Africana Studies Minor focuses on preparing undergraduate students to succeed in an increasingly complex and diverse world. Through challenging study in a variety of disciplines, students focus on the experiences of African people throughout the world. 

The interdisciplinary approach exposes students to a broad range of perspectives and approaches to learning, making an Africana Studies Minor a perfect complement to any major.

Program of Study

African American male raising his hand

Program of Study


  • AREA I (ENGL/HIST 3350): 3 hours
  • AREA II - African-American: 6 hours
    Note: Must take one humanities course and one social science course 
  • AREA III - African, Caribbean, and other Diaspora: 6 hours
    Note: Must take one humanities course and one social science course

Total: 15 hours

Contact Us

Contact Us

Stacy Boyd, PhD
Program Advisor, Africana Studies
Phone: (678) 839-4851
Email: sboyd@86899805.com